Gedenkstätte für die in der Shoah ermordeten Juden Österreichs / Memorial to the austrian jews who were murdered in the Shoah


It was essential that the Shoah Wall of Names Memorial be built in a significant location within the City of Vienna, where it would be easily accessible to a broad array of visitors. The site should however offer a quiet environment, as befits a Place of Reverence.

Ostarrichi Park fully satisfies these important requirements. It is very close to the Ringstrasse, the circular boulevard which encloses the most prominent downtown area of Vienna. From the Opera, the site can be reached on foot within 20 minutes. Streetcars and subways make the site easily accessible from the entire City of Vienna.

Ostarrichi Park is situated next to the old campus of the Vienna University. Every day, thousands of young people will be walking by the Memorial. It is a small but very beautiful park, in which the Shoah Wall of Names Memorial will make a striking impression.